Source code for aj.api.endpoint

from functools import wraps
import json
import logging
import traceback

from aj.auth import SecurityError

[docs]class EndpointError(Exception): """ To be raised by endpoints when a foreseen error occurs. This exception doesn't cause a client-side crash dialog. :param inner: inner exception :param message: message """ def __init__(self, inner, message=None): Exception.__init__(self) self.inner = inner self.message = message or str(inner) try: self.traceback_str = traceback.format_exc() except Exception as e: self.traceback_str = None def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]class EndpointReturn(Exception): """ Raising ``EndpointReturn`` will return a custom HTTP code in the API endpoints. :param code: HTTP code :param data: response data """ def __init__(self, code, data=None): Exception.__init__(self) self.code = code = data def __str__(self): return f'[EndpointReturn: {self.code}]'
[docs]def endpoint(page=False, api=False, auth=True): """ It's recommended to decorate all HTTP handling methods with ``@endpoint``. ``@endpoint(auth=True)`` will require authenticated session before giving control to the handler. ``@endpoint(api=True)`` will wrap responses and exceptions into JSON, and will also provide special handling of :class:`EndpointsError` :param auth: requires authentication for this endpoint :type auth: bool :param page: enables page mode :type page: bool :param api: enables API mode :type api: bool """ def decorator(fx): fx.api = api fx.auth = auth = page @wraps(fx) def wrapper(self, context, *args, **kwargs): if auth and not self.context.identity: context.respond(401) return '' status = 200 try: result = fx(self, context, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(context.status, str): # Catch 404 from api and propagate if '200' not in context.status: status = context.status if page: return result except EndpointReturn as e: logging.debug(f'Endpoint return at {context.path}: {e.code}') status = e.code result = except (EndpointError, SecurityError) as e: logging.warning(f'Endpoint error at {context.path}: {e.message}') if page: raise status = 500 result = { 'message': str(e.message), 'exception': str(e.__class__.__name__), 'traceback': str(getattr(e, 'traceback_str', '')), } # pylint: disable=W0703 except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Unhandled endpoint error at {context.path}') traceback.print_exc() if page: raise status = 500 result = { 'message': str(e), 'exception': str(e.__class__.__name__), 'traceback': str(traceback.format_exc()), } if api: context.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') context.respond(status) return json.dumps(result) return wrapper return decorator


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