Source code for jadi.jadi

from .common import log, get_fqdn

[docs]class Context(object): ''' An IoC container for :func:`interface` s, :func:`service` s and :func:`component` s :param parent: a parent context :type parent: :class:`Context` ''' def __init__(self, parent=None): self.parent = parent self.service_instances = {} self.component_instances = {} def __repr__(self): if self.parent: return '[Context %s (child of %s)]' % (id(self), id(self.parent)) else: return '[Context %s]' % id(self)
[docs] def get_service(self, cls): fqdn = get_fqdn(cls) if fqdn not in self.service_instances: self.service_instances[fqdn] = cls(self) return self.service_instances[fqdn]
[docs] def get_component(self, cls): fqdn = get_fqdn(cls) if fqdn not in self.component_instances: self.component_instances[fqdn] = cls(self) return self.component_instances[fqdn]
[docs] def get_components(self, cls, ignore_exceptions=False): for comp in cls.implementations: try: instance = self.get_component(comp) yield instance except Exception as e: if ignore_exceptions: log.error('Could not instantiate %s: %s', cls, e) else: raise
[docs]def service(cls): ''' Marks the decorated class as a singleton ``service``. Injects following classmethods: .. py:method:: .get(context) Returns a singleton instance of the class for given ``context`` :param context: context to look in :type context: :class:`Context` :returns: ``cls`` ''' if not cls: return None # Inject methods def get(cls, context): return context.get_service(cls) cls.get = get.__get__(cls) log.debug('Registering [%s] (service)', get_fqdn(cls)) return cls
[docs]class NoImplementationError(Exception): def __init__(self, cls): self.cls = cls def __str__(self): return u'No implementation for [%s] is available' % self.cls.__name__ def __repr__(self): return unicode(self)
[docs]def interface(cls): ''' Marks the decorated class as an abstract interface. Injects following classmethods: .. py:method:: .all(context) Returns a list of instances of each component in the ``context`` implementing this ``@interface`` :param context: context to look in :type context: :class:`Context` :returns: list(``cls``) .. py:method:: .any(context) Returns the first suitable instance implementing this ``@interface`` or raises :exc:`NoImplementationError` if none is available. :param context: context to look in :type context: :class:`Context` :returns: ``cls`` .. py:method:: .classes() Returns a list of classes implementing this ``@interface`` :returns: list(class) ''' if not cls: return None cls.implementations = [] # Inject methods def _all(cls, context, ignore_exceptions=False): return list(context.get_components(cls, ignore_exceptions=ignore_exceptions)) cls.all = _all.__get__(cls) def _any(cls, context): instances = cls.all(context) if instances: return instances[0] raise NoImplementationError(cls) cls.any = _any.__get__(cls) def _classes(cls): return list(cls.implementations) cls.classes = _classes.__get__(cls) log.debug('Registering [%s] (interface)', get_fqdn(cls)) return cls
[docs]def component(iface): ''' Marks the decorated class as a component implementing the given ``iface`` :param iface: the interface to implement :type iface: :func:`interface` ''' def decorator(cls): if not cls: return None # Run custom verificator if any if hasattr(cls, '__verify__'): if not cls.__verify__(): return None if not hasattr(iface, 'implementations'): log.error('%s is not an @interface', iface) log.debug( 'Registering [%s] (implementation of [%s])' % ( get_fqdn(cls), get_fqdn(iface) ) ) iface.implementations.append(cls) def get(cls, context): return context.get_component(cls) cls.get = get.__get__(cls) return cls return decorator


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