Angular: ajenti.core ******************** This Angular module contains core components of Ajenti frontend. Services -------- .. js:class:: config .. js:data:: data Config file content object .. js:function:: load() Gets complete configuration data of the backend :returns: promise .. js:function:: save() Updates and saves configuration data :returns: promise .. js:function:: getUserConfig() Gets per-user configuration data of the backend :returns: promise → per-user Ajenti config object .. js:function:: setUserConfig(config) Updates and saves per-user configuration data :param object config: updated configuration data from ``getUserConfig()`` :returns: promise .. js:class:: core .. js:function:: pageReload() Reloads the current URL .. js:function:: restart() Restarts the Ajenti process .. js:class:: hotkeys Captures shortcut key events .. js:data:: ENTER, ESC Respective key codes .. js:function:: on(scope, handler, mode='keydown') Registers a hotkey handler in the provided ``scope`` :param $scope scope: ``$scope`` to install handler into :param function(keyCode,\ rawEvent) handler: handler function. If the function returns a truthy value, event is cancelled and other handlers aren't notified. :param string mode: one of ``keydown``, ``keypress`` or ``keyup``. .. js:class:: identity Provides info on the authentication status and user/machine identity .. js:data:: user Name of the logged in user .. js:data:: effective Effective UID of the server process .. js:data:: User-provided name of the machine .. js:data:: isSuperuser Whether current user is a superuser or not .. js:function:: auth(username, password, mode) Attempts to authenticate current session as ``username:password`` with a ``mode`` of ``normal`` or ``sudo`` .. js:function:: login() Redirects user to a login dialog .. js:function:: logout() Deauthenticates current session .. js:function:: elevate() Redirects user to a sudo elevation dialog .. js:class:: messagebox Provides interface to modal messagebox engine .. js:function:: show(options) Opens a new messagebox. :param object options: :param string options.title: :param string options.text: :param string options.positive: positive action button text. Clicking it will resolve the returned promise. :param string options.negative: negative action button text. Clicking it will reject the returned promise. :param string options.template: (optional) custom body template :param boolean options.scrollable: whether message body is scrollable :param boolean options.progress: whether to display an indeterminate progress indicator in the message :returns: a Promise-like object with an additional ``close()`` method. .. js:class:: notify .. js:function:: info(title, text) .. js:function:: success(title, text) .. js:function:: warning(title, text) .. js:function:: error(title, text) Shows an appropriately styled notification .. js:function:: custom(style, title, text, url) Shows a clickable notification leading to ``url``. .. js:class:: pageTitle Alters page ```` and global heading. .. js:function:: set(text) Sets title text .. js:function:: set(expression, scope) Sets an title expression to be watched. Example:: $scope.getTitle = (page) -> someService.getPageTitle(page) $ = ... pageTitle.set("getTitle(page)", $scope) .. js:class:: push Processes incoming push messages (see :class:`aj.plugins.core.api.push`). This service has no public methods. This service broadcasts events that can be received as:: $scope.$on 'push:pluginname', (message) -> processMessage(message)... .. js:class:: tasks An interface to the tasks engine (see :class:`aj.plugins.core.api.tasks`). .. js:data:: tasks A list of task descriptors for the currently running tasks. Updated automatically. .. js:function:: start(cls, args, kwargs) Starts a server-side task. :param string cls: full task class name (``aj.plugins.pluginname....``) :param array args: task arguments :param object kwargs: task keyword arguments :returns: a promise, resolved once the task actually starts Directives ---------- .. js:function:: autofocus Automatically focuses the input. Example:: <input type="text" autofocus ng:model="..." /> .. js:function:: checkbox Renders a checkbox. Example:: <span checkbox ng:model="..." text="Enable something"></span> .. js:function:: dialog A modal dialog Example:: <dialog ng:show="showDialog"> <div class="modal-header"> <h4> Heading </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body scrollable"> ... </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <a ng:click="..." class="btn btn-default btn-flat"> Do something </a> </div> </dialog> :param expression ngShow: :param string dialogClass: .. js:function:: floating-toolbar A toolbar pinned to the bottom edge. Example:: <div class="floating-toolbar-padder"></div> <floating-toolbar> <a ng:click="..." class="btn btn-default btn-flat"> Do something useful </a> </floating-toolbar> <!-- accented toolbar for selection actions --> <floating-toolbar class="accented" ng:show="haveSelectedItems"> Some action buttons here </floating-toolbar> .. js:function:: ng-enter Action handler for Enter key in inputs. Example:: <input type="text" ng:enter="commitStuff()" ng:model="..." /> .. js:function:: progress-spinner .. js:function:: root-access Blocks its inner content if the current user is not a superuser. .. js:function:: smart-progress An improved version of ui-bootstrap's progressbar :param boolean animate: :param float value: :param float max: :param string text: :param string maxText: Filters ------- .. js:function:: bytesFilter(value, precision) :param int value: number of bytes :param int precision: number of fractional digits in the output :returns: string, e.g.: ``123.45 KB`` .. js:function:: ordinalFilter(value) :param int value: :returns: string, e.g.: ``121st`` .. js:function:: pageFilter(list, page, pageSize) Provides a page-based view on an array :param array list: input data :param int page: 1-based page index :param int pageSize: page size :returns: array