.. _security: Securing ******** Fail2ban ======== Failed login attempts are logged in `/var/log/ajenti/ajenti.log`. A basic filter for Fail2ban is available here : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajenti/ajenti/master/scripts/ajenti.conf You can enable it by copying it in `/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ajenti.conf` and with the following lines in `/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ajenti` : :: [ajenti] enabled = true port = 8000 bantime = 120 maxretry = 3 findtime = 60 logpath = /var/log/ajenti/ajenti.log filter = ajenti This is only an example : after 3 failed attempts ( `maxretry` ) the last 60 seconds ( `findtime` ), the found ip will be banned 2 minutes ( `bantime` ). You can naturally set other values related to your configuration.